I turn 24 today. Yes, it's my birthday. And I also know I don't look half as thrilled as I do in the rest of my posts - which are about nothing special. Somethings I want to tell everyone today -
I am not scared of ageing. Not only am I accepting it with grace, I am also starting to believe that growing up/old is not such a big deal. In fact I think there is something terribly wrong if one is NOT growing up or old.
I am not having such a great day - not because I am not drinking, but because I am busy handling my dad's midlife crisis. All ye 20 somethings, trust me it is worse than quarter life crisis. So get geared for worse times to come.
I have a new blog, something on which I've been writing for a while but was waiting for this day to sort of go public. That's the introspection blog. Check it out here if you want to.
I am writing all this today because I am on vacation for the next ten days and I don't know when I'll get to write next! Here's a whole bunch of quotes on ageing/growing up/growing old that I found and I think are nice -
As we grow older, it becomes difficult to just believe. It's not that we don't want to, but too much has happened that we just can't.
--Christopher Atkins
"You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was."
--Abraham Lincoln
Now I'm growing and I can see my faults. I can look at myself objectively and say I can't blame anyone else; it was my own damn fault.
--Christopher Atkins
" 'Age' is the acceptance of a term of years. But maturity is the glory of years."
-- Martha Graham
-- Martha Graham
Yappy, Dappy budday!! I know... i want to age with GRACE. (all capitals) and I still want to be 18 till I die. You remember the remote wala incident which is gonna take place no? don't forget that... we'll discuss it when we both are celebrating our 80th budday!
Thats nice sweetie.. And that is one thing i need to learn in life to accept ageing with grace
Hey came blog-hopping here and was pleasantly surprised to find that we use the same template! Same pinch! :D
Oh and I turned 24 a month and half back :)
Happy belated Birthday[:)]
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