Yes, I finally know what 'Surreal' means. It was almost a turning point in my life.
Theoretically, Surreal means - Like a dream.
Surreal in reality is just that - It's bizarre and like a dream. Not because it is too good or bad to be true, but you look back in time and it is hazy, dreamy. It doesn't feel real but is undeniable all the same.
Surreal to me means this - It feels like a dream because I could not ever even dream of such a simple and yet piercing conversation. 45 minutes down, I only remembered traces of it. I can kill to rewind it in my mind but I cannot. I am happy because it was something worth remembering forever. So what if I don't.
But there was one look that will stay. We shared a moment that will last forever. The honey-eyes, spoke a million words. I feel no regret for things did not turn out some particular way. They were never meant to be any other way.
P.S: I know I sound like I had an almost romantic encounter but that is not true. And that is where the beauty of this 'surrealism' lies.
I feel I can really understand ur experience when u say it was surreal. In fact I am reminded of one of the things that happened to me not so long ago..
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