Thursday, May 14, 2009

“The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read.” - Mark Twain.

I read a lot. At least I try to. There are times when I read for 19hrs a day and there are times when I read only 19 pages a day. But I read something everyday. I always believe that if a book has something for you to learn from it, you will pick up that book at the right time and read it. If you havent read a particular book yet, it is because it has something for you to learn at a latter date. Some people say I think so because I relate whatever I am reading to, with my current situation and pick something from it. Either way, I see reading as a cathartic process. 

And when I read, if there is something that touches me somewhere, irrespective of whether I understand the author's intention completely or not, I write it down in a diary that I have for the last many years. I quote the author, note down the name of the book and the page number. My diary now has some timeless jewels. I've always held that diary very closely to myself and have gone back and re-read the pages, to see if I understand the same thing better or even for that matter, differently. I always thought I will give that diary to someone deserving - whoever it be - a stranger, my grandchildren, my mother - whoever. 

I read something nice today and when I took the book out to write it down I felt like a miser trying to treasure what I have. But is knowledge to be treasured in books or is to be precipitated for a higher goal? Most definitely the latter. And so I though what better than a new blog which has only that. Just precious words quote unquote. It might give some people some much needed inspiration, it might make people pick up a book they have been procrastinating to read or even introduce people to something new. People can leave comments on their interpretation of the words, express agreement/disagreement or plainly find a beautiful expression for what's been there on their mind. 

Let me know what you think of this. Meanwhile I will look for a nice template, a good title for the blog and choose my first passage. (GMAT can wait! ) 


abhishek said...

wow!! you read a awful lot...and hasn't GMAT been in waiting for quite sometime now.

Utopia said...

hahah! dude u and i are long lost twins of another lifetime indeed! :-) and i love quotes, just love quotes. i have one entire document on just quotes and everytime i find a new one i cut copy paste it in that new document. :-)

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan said...

hmm... I thought the template look at that blog was quite good actually.

Anonymous said...

I think ive gone around in circles. Used to read to get something out of the book, mostly non-fiction and then out of the blue got hooked to the fantasy/fiction genre.

Checked out the new blog, now I see why FB was deleted ;)

BrownPhantom said...

Books are a treasure. Walking around in bookshop itself is such a surreal experience.
Mark Twain has written so many million quotable one-liners.

Gaurav said...

wow...!!! 19 hours a day... I guess if i read this much about my engineering stuff... i can be a great scientist one day... lol .... :D(kiddo)
by the way, love the way you right. Actually I enjoyed reading your post.. keep going gal... ;) ...

Jinu Peyeti said...

@abhishek - hell yes! GMAT's been waiting forever. And will soon be cracked :)

@Utopia - :)

@Dr Roshan - thanks!

@J - it's ok.. now i have a blog for your food for thought! :)

@Brown Phantom - I agree. My greed to read is so bad that sometimes I think I am diseased! :P

@Gaurav thanks a lot! :) Btw is the pic on ur blog called 'eve' that of the upper lake?