Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I need an answer.

Was it in fact a good idea at all that we chased the Brits out of our country? 

Think about it and tell me. 


Anonymous said...

I think it was a good idea. From what I know the brits didn't have an interest to develop the country for it's benefit but to exploit.

Dialect Of Heart said...

YA! exploitation and being ruled wouldn't have been good, right?

Dr. Ally Critter said...

ummm to be branded very subversive, were the Brits really "tossed out" Or did they give up the colonies because it was the passing of an era?

As for whether it was a good ida... well India is independent, good thing. A lot of the modernzation in terms of a democratic government etc- good thing- but its seed were Brit sown weren't they. I shudder to think what would have happened if the 1857 revolt/ revolution/war/mutiny( take your pick, History depends on the teller) had been successful and India were ruled by the hundreds of little rajas, ranis, nawabs, and the rest. They would not give a damn about the common man- indeed I think they all had extremely selfish reasons for wanting to join in that war/revolt/mutiny- they wanted to keep their kingdoms and fiefdoms.....I would not have liked being ruled by someone.

Pink Mango Tree said...

It wud have been good to co-exist! :) U see.. If u look at it this way - Lallu/Karunanidhi/Terrorists/Mamta Vs Brits: What will be ur pick?! :)