Alright Mike! It’s time for some change! Parents will probably shift base from North India to South India - roots calling it seems! Which means I will also shift base - but not to where ma-pa will go. I am off to another city - a city where almost all my love(ed ones/rs hehehe) live! And guess what? I am not allowed to tell anybody that I am in that city!
According to my parents, this is supposedly a break where I concentrate only and only on my exams and catch up on some reading and exercising. They think 8 months is too long to stay with parents after 8 years of staying alone - and they are freakin right! So this is an 8-week paid break to do my thing in a lavish 4 bedroom apartment with everything being taken care of! So what If I wont have company, never mind I can indulge into some ones-rampant vices of my life and get a kick ;-)
So I am damn glad I have parents who understand and know me so well. It is hard to be in 'that' city and not tell anyone. :( But what the hell, it's only 8 weeks and neither me or them are dying without each other. This is my last chance to redemption. And I owe my parents (and myself) some real ass-kickin' scores and a feckin' awesome admit. And to hell with everything else.
Though I am really concerned if my Telugu-turned-Hindi parents will ever manage being Hindi-turned-Telugus!
And in case I din't say it before, this will be the 8th town I'd be moving to in my life! So many 8s... hmmm… an 800 score on GMAT is next, may be? :D
Does that mean we won't be getting new posts from you till u are done with ur exam ?? :(
But well, goood luck and im sure u'll do well !
ayi! nooo! of course not that way! u will very much get updates from me! only the place remains anonymous... no friends and no blogs?! i'd die! :D
enjoy your 8th city gurl....:P:P
keep updating this space....:)
Hope the 800 score works on the Gmat thingy too:P
8 is supposedly a lucky number. More eights the better ;)
All the best.
U r in Pune???!! are you or are you not?? I know u are not supposed to say it to anyone... but why am I having this feeling that u are IN Pune?? I'm dying to know...specially when u r told not to tell....plz plz plz plz prettttty plz temme!
@ Aqua gurl - Thanks a lot girl! And yes, I'll totally be writing about all mad things!
@ J - Yeah, hope all the luck thingie is true!
@ Purnima - No it's not Poona. And you know better than that now :D
प्रिया मित्र,
भोपाल में एक ब्लॉगर मीट करने का विचार है ,जिसमे हम ब्लोगिंग से जुड़े कई विषयों पर बात कर सकते हैं । इस ब्लॉगर मीट में अपनी उपस्तिथि दर्ज कराने और एजेंडा बनाने में मदद करने हेतु यहाँ क्लिक कर रजिस्टर कर सकते हैं । हमें उम्मीद है की हम अपने ब्लोगों के लिए कुछ न कुछ ले के ही जायेंगे
धन्यवाद ,
hahah! u r actually not allowed to tell anyone becos? ;-)
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