Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Of Mr. Randomer, of nailing the bitch and of a whole bunch of memories.

So weird. I have been waiting for my hundredth post like Harbhajan would wait for his hundredth run. It is ironic that this post is not one of happiness and jubiliation, like my other posts. But instead, it is a post that denotes closure. 

Randomer and the randomness end w.e.f Jan 21, 2009. 

A few months ago, it was an email that said - "I swear I am not hitting on you. Just give me your number." It was about understanding the nitty gritties of Critical Reasoning in GMAT - something that I sucked at and something that he aced. We spoke for really long every single day until Sep 17th. We spoke of universities to apply and we spoke of tricks to trick the exam. We used to say - "We'll nail the bitch" with so much conviction. That was our motto. 

My devastation was inevitable if not for him convincing me that GMAT is really not the end of the world. GMAT ended rather weirdly but the phone calls continued. They became a daily affair with a new song beig sung every night and with 'leaving on a jet plane' being the most sung. There was everything from retro to Indian classical that was offered! 

One fine day I said how I was going on vacation and after more than 70 emails of deliberation as to where the 2 of us can go, we ended up with Hyderabad as the answer. Meeting someone a guy who is such an avid reader, is careeristic and seems fun was not a bad plan afterall! 

2nd weekend of Nov 2008 it was. We stayed at a lovely place - Pragati Resorts. We had an awesome time watching Billy Connolly and laughing like crazy. As always, I was jumping walls after 4 drinks and I made the poor thing walk/jog/jump with me. 

The following day was the obvious stuff. I loved it. I was wholeheartedly given and not asked for in such a long time. My most desired ambition of life - being a paint scrapper, was not ridiculed and in fact welcomed. I did not know where we were headed but I sure as hell knew I was going to persevere with this one person since this was my challenge to myself that I can in fact make things work out. I have been an utter failure so far in the matters of heart. 

Yes, my already identified weakness 'attachment' was back with a vengeance. I do not chase people when I am attached to them but tend to just go blind. I can't see the obvious and despite all reasoning the heart suddenly starts taking over my head. Anyway within a month I could clearly see the signs and I knew things had already fallen apart. I wasn't complaining yet. I think of every damn thing as a part of life and I can bloody well deal with it with a lot of grace. 

I had almost forgotten everything, courtest all my girlies but as fate has it, this was not gonna leave me like that and God had a better closure in mind! After a tedious vacation, last night I receive a random email asking why I was being such a bitch. 

Yes, Mr. Randomer was not single and I was being put under the spotlight by Mrs. Randomer for no apparent reason! Woohoo! For all the perseverance :| After an entire night of anxiety and some rather pleasant exchange of words with the lady herself, I was starting to feel better. I wonder why I thought speaking to him for the last time was so important. I was freaking laughing with NB over Mr. Randomer being 'busted'. I told Piyu how I was gonna tell him he had been a bastard and how I know this was all so well planned. 

I now know myself better than this. Piyu is rather upset that I was such a saint as we spoke. I gave him gyaan about saying a whole-hearted sorry to her and how he does not owe me an answer. I told him I have nothing for or against him and that he should have a good life and must let me know when he makes it to a big university. I did not want to be mean.  I knew that being myself only would give me peace of mind. And I think I did a decent job. I was polite and mature through the conversation. (I hope!)

Yes. So randomness has ended now. Finally. 

I just removed the post-it on my calendar which was a reminder for me to get him a Jethro Tull t-shirt and to buy a book. I was gonna meet him in February. 

A rather well planned ending for such a random person. 

Or is it a random ending for a not-so-random person?

(Special note if you ever read it - I was hurt man. I don't know for what joy, but yeah, I felt miserable for a few hours. )


Unknown said...

umm... would u mind if I keep this in mind?

Utopia said...

happensss! darn can we eva predict all of this. i would have a colourful bunch of stories too share but alas my blog is too public now. sigh! i can so relate to ur blog. :-) keep writing.