Thursday, December 11, 2008


So Poornima tagged me a while ago and I have been procrastinating since forever. The tage goes like this: 

"I give you random - human traits, situations, values, virtues, vices etc. You have to say how far or how closely you are associated with them and an incident that relates to it (duh! which features you, necessarily)."

So there is a whole bunch of emotions here that I will tell you how closely I am related to. I will skip giving examples since I am just too lazy to think! 

1. Laughter - Ok so people directly relate me to laughter. The first thing people notice about me is my smile and the second thing they notice is the crazy, uncontrollable, at-the-wrong-time laughter! I am a very very happy person in general, and even at tough times I just manage finding things worth a good laugh (In the form of Chuck Norris or Santa-Banta jokes!) 

2. Embarrasement - Hardly ever have I been embarrassed, I am damn good at laughing at myself, but ya, those mornings after crazy drunken nights surely warrant some form of embarrasement - especially if I have gone crazy dancing and/or jumping fences/tables etc! Oh btw, I DO NOT believe in embarassing people at all! I notice you farting in my car - I won't acknowledge it. :)

3. Truth - That's me. All truth, zero pretence. Love me or leave me, this is how I am. Won't ever lie or pretend to make someone happy. That's why some people think of me as rude or tactless. Ya, I might lie to save someone of hurt, especially if the matter is too trivial and the person too touchy. 

4. Lies - As I said, to save you of hurt if it isn't a grave topic, I might dilute facts a bit ;-) 

5. Loneliness - what's that? I can make friends faster than you can type! And I am never lonely when alone. I love my own company and in fact prefer being by myself the most! Yes, I do get lonely when my books or iPod go missing! 

6. Pride - I am damn proud of who I am, to where I belong and of whatever little I have. Would never trade this me for anything else or to be anyone else!

7. Forgiveness - The only mantra of my mom's life - Forgive and forget. I am trying damn hard to emulate that. 

8. Hypocrisy - Everyone says - 'I hate hypocrites' So do I. But an honest confession - My best friend called me a hypocrite. I introspected so hard that I almost lost all appetite those days but could never make out why she called me one. Now I don't know if the situation warrants 'forgiveness' since she called me something so bad and that which I am not. I am not sure. But I have chosen to let go of the thing. And I want to know if it is as good as 'forgiving' someone. And do best friends ever forgive each other for mistakes? Aren't we supposed to accept and not get into the forgiveness game?


Unknown said...

Yay! yay! yay! yay!!!! your answers are so Jinu!!