So I wanna color my hair BLUE!! (Yes, I am ready to face all the scorn and get disowned bymy parents until the time the color goes off)
In fact I want to color it blue and dark pink - such that when I tie my hair, my ponytail is like loads of blue and dark pink! Now I know what people would say -
Girl, that's too much for a small town like yours where you now stay!
We Indians don't have the complexion for all these colors. And definitely not you.
Ok chill... what are you trying?
Honestly... I couldn't care less about what the world has to say to dissuade me. The day I step outta here, I am getting all blue and pink!
* Btw, I am wearing Indigo blue pyjamas with white stars on them, a black t-shirt and a dark pink jacket on top. I think the colors are SO awesome! I look so full of life! Only the hair could have been better....sigh! Here's a picture for your reference.
I love that colour..BUT it def won't suit me even if everyone in this world asked me to actually GO FOR IT!.... I would love purple witht the same shade blue... don't mind if ppl call me peacock.. peahen rather.. hehehehe... coming here in feb na..colour it bindaas! it'll suiot ur type hair
color your hair and just tell your parents that you spilled your nail polish on your hair accidently! That way they won't disown you
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