Monday, September 8, 2008

Fettish :)

There is no way I do not write about my newest fettish! Perfumes (Vain me - I am back!) Yeah, it started with Heathrow airport I guess... the fragrances, oh I literally wanted to break those bottles and drown in the scented water!

Well, I did not know what 80 pounds were, I mean I knew, but I did not realise what would that translate into, when I had to pay back my credit card bills in Indian rupees! And there I went on this perfume purchase spree. Hugo, David Beckham, Givenchy, Diesel... and that is it. I ran out of credit limit! I came back home to realise there were a bunch of my favourite people eyeing my expensive and sexy perfumes. I decide to give them away! Well not all, I saved the Beckham and Givenchy for myself! 

And then I go to Marks and Spencer in India and pick up a cheap (vis-a-vis the Hugos and Beckhams) perfume, which I am terribly in love with. I do not have a day without its smell lingering on me.

Goodbyes have their advantages too! 2 of my friends gifted me Lacoste Touch Of Pink and I will thank them forever to introducing me to the smell of heaven. The exquisite pink bottle with the beautiful smell can give any man a tiny orgasm! Well, there is no chance my best-friends' gift of Jennifer Lopez Still will go unmentioned on this blog. I leave the fragrance behind on the smelly streets of India as I walk. So you can pretty much imagine what a beauty it is! 

There are loads of new perfumes on my wishlist. Click on the name and check out the beauties I plan to own soon!