So! Life's been a little weird... I have too much to do and I have a lot of time but I am not getting anything done. I think its because the things I have to do, do not excite me much.
I went to some lovely waterfalls a few hundred kms away from this town and I had a nice time. But it did not stay with me. I went to some national park and felt like I was in a zoo. Vacations stay with me but this one did not. With every passing day I can see the difference between what I want and what I am working towards. But I have decided not to think too much because I ponder way more than necessary and that is not doing me any good. I need to -
Focus on 1 thing at a time. I must stop looking at my To-Do list every 5 mins.
Give myself deadlines and adhere to them. How?
Prioritize. Yes. I am walking on razor's edge already!
Stop getting the 'I want to run away' feeling. I can't run away from myself after all, can I?
Make time for vacation with the girls. I miss them too much for my own good. :(
Get rid of writer's block.
Well that summarizes my life not-so-beautifully. I write some posts just for reference. So that I can read them after 10 years and..and do what? Ok I decided am not going to think much. So peace with the documentation.
I owe this blog more love than I am giving right now. I promise I will write something better, more hearty in the next few weeks. Ciao!!
(I've been thinking of the 'wow' factor. Something that differentiates someone/something from the rest. Ever wondered what your wow factor is? Leave a line if you figured something out!)