Monday, October 6, 2008

What does 'It's complicated' mean??

That thing on facebook about relationship status? It's complicated. It has taken love and complications to a whole new level. With Orkut, you atleast knew if the other person is single or not (assuming they aren't blatantly lying!) But Facebook has complicated love matters even further by introducing 'It's complicated.' It could mean any of these:

 1. I am in a relationship which is a mess. I might break up any time soon. So watch out for this space. (coupled with my mood swing indicators it should give you a fair idea.)

 2. I have been dating this guy/girl for a while now. We even kissed the other day but that is it. We do not meet everyday. Sometimes he/she gets drunk and says these really sweet things but I am not too sure... 

 3. I really like this person and he/she seems to reciprocate too. But he/she is already seeing someone and they have a rocky relationship. So I am probably his/her rebound material. Gimme some time I ll figure it out and let you know. 

 4. He/She said we are done with this relationship. But we are still discussing. I think I like him/her but if he/she does not want it, I will explore my options... 

 5. I am hinting to that other guy/girl that I am available or soon will be. Anyway you are not in the pipeline, so dont worry about what 'It's complicated' means. 

 And the last one that Ashwini just told me - 

 'It's complicated' means it is a Yes for you and No for him/her or vice-versa! 

 So all you people with 'It's complicated' on your Facebook, tell me why do you say it is complicated and help the world uncover relationship statuses of some people!!