Saturday, September 20, 2008

Bucket List

Hmm.. what is a bucket list? Simple - it is a list of things you would like to do before you hit the bucket, that is before you die. Yes, I know it seems like a very depressing blog item for someone like me. But the idea of having my bucket list is to make sure my bucket has very very few things if death had to come unexpectedly to me. I have decided to make a bucket list every now and then and do things on the list, just so that I live a (near) fulfilled life when I die. 

It is kinda strange I cant think of the items on my bucket list yet... but I am sure to edit this post often and put them up here. I think each one of us should write a bucket-list often, just so that we are living at least a part of this life for ourselves and not stuck fulfilling other people's wishes... 

Hmm.. so it is a fresh day and I am editing an existing post... Yes, I did think of somethings for my bucket list

1. Touch moon light.
2. Be a farmer for a day.
3. Scrape off paint from a wall.
4. Break glass tumblers...

[Do I look destructive?]


S said...

dance on the table tops on a bar? We can club that with breaking glass tumblers... I'll keep you company. Pwomise :D